Correction d'un petit texte en anglais ^^

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Messages: 6
Enregistré le: 05 Nov 2008, 21:25

Correction d'un petit texte en anglais ^^

par Eliem » 01 Déc 2008, 20:48

Ce serait pour demander à quelqu'un s'il pourrait me corriger les erreurs de ce texte car j'ai un examen oral demain donc le voilà :

I decided to introduce Cuba. Cuba is located in the south of the United States and in the east of Mexico. His capital is Havana. It is a country not much known but it is a country full of treasures. It is the biggest country of Caribbean. Cuba is known for his cigars, his rum which is tremendously used bottom. Cuba is traditionally a Catholic country. Cuba is regularly hit by cyclones during summer and the autumn but weather there is very nice. Cuba is much known for his president Fidel Castro who absolutely changed the country. For the tourists, it is a very good destination, and the tourism is very developed. But the country is very poor. You should not forget that mambo and the salsa come from this country. The Cuban people are undoubtedly one of the most generous and audacious. The persons who live in Cuba are African or Spanish but now you can find people of any origins which live there because they appreciate this island for his peace and for his beauty. Finally I think that it is a country which must being visited for his beauty

Je remercie d'avance la personne qui peut me le corriger ^^

Membre Irrationnel
Messages: 1837
Enregistré le: 14 Sep 2008, 04:41

par Mathusalem » 01 Déc 2008, 23:42

Eliem a écrit:Ce serait pour demander à quelqu'un s'il pourrait me corriger les erreurs de ce texte car j'ai un examen oral demain donc le voilà :

I've decided to present you the great country named Cuba. Cuba is located to the south of the United States and to the east of Mexico. Its capital is Havana. It is a fairly unknown country but which is full of treasures. It is the biggest country of the Caribbean. Cuba is known for its cigars, its rum which is tremendously used bottom. Cuba is traditionally a Catholic country. It is regularly hit by cyclones during the summer and the autumn but the weather there is very nice. Cuba is very famous for its president Fidel Castro who absolutely changed the country. For the tourists, it is a very good destination, and the tourism is very developed. However, the country is very poor. You should not forget that mambo and salsa come from this country. The Cuban people are undoubtedly one of the most generous and audacious. The persons who live in Cuba are African or Spanish but now you can find people of any origins which live there because they appreciate this island for its peace and for its beauty. Finally, I think that it is a country which must be visited for its beauty.

Je remercie d'avance la personne qui peut me le corriger ^^

Voilà. Je t'ai mis en rouge la phrase que je n'ai pas compris. Pour le reste quelques petites fautes : Pas de genre en anglais : The country = neutre. For its beauty, non pas his beauty.

Sinon c'est un peu court, et tu ne développes que très peu tes propos (ex. pourquoi est-ce que c'est un peuple audacieux, pourquoi est-ce que c'est un pays pauvre).

Sinon, pas mal :)


Membre Relatif
Messages: 312
Enregistré le: 10 Déc 2008, 17:42

par Near » 14 Déc 2008, 03:28

Eliem a écrit:Ce serait pour demander à quelqu'un s'il pourrait me corriger les erreurs de ce texte car j'ai un examen oral demain donc le voilà :

I decided to introduce Cuba. Cuba is located in the south of the United States and in the east of Mexico. its capital is Havana. It is a country not much known but it is a country full of treasures. It is the biggest country of Caribbean. Cuba is known for its cigars, its rum which is tremendously used bottom. Cuba is traditionally a Catholic country. Cuba is regularly hit by cyclones during summer and the autumn but the weather there is very nice. Cuba is much known for its president Fidel Castro who absolutely changed the country. For the tourists, it is a very good destination, and the tourism is very developed. But the country is very poor. You should not forget that mambo and the salsa come from this country. The Cuban people are undoubtedly one of the most generous and audacious. The persons who live in Cuba are African or Spanish but now you can find people of any origins which live there because they appreciate this island for its peace and beauty. Finally I think that it is a country that must be visited for its beauty

Je remercie d'avance la personne qui peut me le corriger ^^

Aucun faute d'orthographe,mais t'as des problèmes avec its,his,her.. :marteau: "his" pour les êtres pensants :id:

Membre Relatif
Messages: 148
Enregistré le: 06 Sep 2007, 21:39

par variobike01 » 29 Déc 2008, 14:50


Moi je mettrais:

"Cuba is located in the south of the United States and more precisely in the east of Mexico"

De plus je développerais un peu plus ma conclusion. Mais après c'est a toi de voir :we:

Bonne journée


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